Improving a Variational Autoencoder with Normalizing Flows

In order to fully grasp the concepts explained here, I strongly recommend you to read my three posts on Variational Autoencoders (in the following order)

$$ \newcommand{\vect}[1]{\boldsymbol{\mathbf{#1}}} \newcommand{\vx}{\vect{x}} \newcommand{\vz}{\vect{z}} \newcommand{\vphi}{\vect{\phi}} \newcommand{\vtheta}{\vect{\theta}} \newcommand{\vmu}{\vect{\mu}} \newcommand{\vsigma}{\vect{\sigma}} \newcommand{\N}{\mathcal{N}} \newcommand{\encoder}{q_{\vphi}(\vz \mid \vx)} \newcommand{\vepsilon}{\vect{\epsilon}} \newcommand{\snd}{\N(\vect{0}, \vect{I})} \newcommand{\muz}{\vmu_{\vphi}(\vx)} \newcommand{\sigmaz}{\vsigma^2_{\vphi}(\vx)} \newcommand{\elbo}{\mathcal{L}_{\vphi, \vtheta}(\vx)} \newcommand{\Ebb}{\mathbb{E}} \newcommand{\eencoder}[1]{\Ebb_{\encoder}\left[#1\right]} \newcommand{\decoder}{p_{\vtheta}(\vx \mid \vz)} \newcommand{\kl}[2]{\text{KL}\left(#1 \parallel #2\right)} \newcommand{\prior}{p(\vz)} \newcommand{\vlambda}{\vect{\lambda}} \newcommand{\vw}{\vect{w}} \newcommand{\vu}{\vect{u}} \newcommand{\Eqk}[1]{\Ebb_{q_K(\vz_K)}\left[#1\right]} $$

Theory of Vanilla VAEs

Recall that in a Vanilla VAE we feed $\bf{x}$ into an encoder neural network and obtain $(\boldsymbol{\mu}, \log\boldsymbol{\sigma})$. These are the amortized parameters of our approximate posterior distribution

$$ q_{\vphi}(\vz \mid \vx) = \N(\vz \mid \vmu_{\vphi}(\vx), \text{diag}(\vsigma^2_{\vphi}(\vx))) $$

To get a latent sample $\vz \sim \encoder$ we need to use the reparametrization trick. This requires sampling $\vepsilon \sim \snd$ and then scaling it and shifting it according to the output of the neural network

$$ \vz = \muz + \sigmaz \odot \vepsilon. $$

To learn the parameters of our neural network our aim is to maximize the ELBO

$$ \elbo = \eencoder{\log \decoder} - \kl{\encoder}{\prior} $$

The reconstruction error (the first term) is easy to compute in the Normal and Bernoulli case. In what follows, we will assume that the likelihood is a product of Bernoullis. This is the usual set-up when working with MNIST. The likelihood is then

$$ \decoder = \prod^{\text{dim}(x)}_{i=1} p_i^{x_i}(1 - p_i)^{1 - x_i} $$

where $\vect{p} = (p_1, \ldots, p_{\text{dim}(x)})^\top$ is the output of the decoder network, and $\vect{p}\in [0, 1]^{\text{dim}(x)}$. The reconstruction error can then be written as

$$ \begin{align} \eencoder{\log \decoder} &= \eencoder{\log \prod^{\text{dim}(\vx)}_{i=1} p_i(\vz)^{x_i}(1 - p_i(\vz))^{1- x_i}} \newline &= \eencoder{\sum^{\text{dim}(\vx)}_{i=1} x_i \log p_i(\vz) + (1 - x_i) \log(1 - p_i(\vz))}\newline &\approx \sum^{n_{z}}_{j=1} \sum^{\text{dim}(\vx)}_{i=1} x_i \log p_i(\vz) + (1 - x_i) \log(1 - p_i(\vz)) \qquad \vz^{(j)} \sim \encoder \end{align} $$

where $n_{\vz}$ is the number of samples that we sample from $\encoder$. Usually we simply set $n_{\vz} = 1$. This means we only sample one latent variable per datapoint. The objective function to minimize (I have flipped the sign) is therefore

$$ \begin{align} -\elbo &= -\sum^{\text{dim}(\vx)}_{i=1} x_i \log p_i(\vz) + (1 - x_i) \log(1 - p_i(\vz)) - \frac{1}{2}\sum^{\text{dim}(\vz)}_{j=1} \left(1 + \log\sigma^2_j - \mu^2_j - \sigma^2_j\right) \newline &= \text{BCE}(\vect{p}, \vx) - \frac{1}{2}\sum^{\text{dim}(\vz)}_{j=1} \left(1 + \log\sigma^2_j - \mu^2_j - \sigma^2_j\right) \end{align} $$

Using Pytorch we can code it as

def vae_loss(image, reconstruction, mu, logvar):
  """Loss for the Variational AutoEncoder."""
  # Compute the binary_crossentropy.
  recon_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(
      input=reconstruction.view(-1, 28*28),    # input is p(z) (the mean reconstruction)
      target=image.view(-1, 28*28),            # target is x   (the true image)
  # Compute KL divergence using formula (closed-form)
  kl = -0.5 * torch.sum(1 + logvar - mu.pow(2) - logvar.exp())
  return reconstruction_loss + kl

VAE with Normalizing Flows

This time, we not only want our encoder to output $(\vmu, \log \vsigma)$ to shift and scale $\vepsilon\sim \snd$. We also want to feed

$$\N(\vz \mid \muz, \text{diag}(\sigmaz))$$

through a series of $K$ transformations each one of them depending on a set of parameters $\vlambda_k$. Denoting $\vlambda = (\vlambda_1, \ldots, \vlambda_K)$ we essentially want our Encoder to work as follows:

$$ \vx \longrightarrow \text{Encoder} \longrightarrow (\vmu, \log \vsigma, \vlambda_1, \ldots, \vlambda_K) = (\vmu, \log \vsigma, \vlambda) $$

Then we would firstly use $(\vmu, \log \vsigma)$ to compute $\vz_0$ using the reparametrization trick $$ \vz_0 = \vmu + \vsigma \odot \vepsilon \qquad \vepsilon \sim \snd $$

and finally we would feed $\vz_0$ into the series of transformations to reach the final $\vz_K$

$$ \vz_K = f_K \circ f_{K-1} \circ \ldots \circ f_2 \circ f_1 (\vz_0). $$

This means that our approximating distribution is not

$$ \encoder = \N(\vz \mid \muz, \text{diag}(\sigmaz)) $$

anymore but, rather, it can be found using the usual change of variable formula

$$ \log \encoder = \log q_K(\vz_K) = \log q_0(\vz_0) - \sum^{K}_{k=1} \ln \left|\text{det}\frac{\partial f_k}{\partial \vz_{k-1}}\right| $$

where the base distribution $q_0(\vz_0)$ is the old approximate posterior distribution $$ q_0(\vz_0) = \N(\vz_0 \mid \muz, \text{diag}(\sigmaz)). $$

Thanks to the law of the unconscious statistician we have

$$ \begin{align} \elbo &= \eencoder{\log \decoder}-\kl{\encoder}{\prior} \newline &= \Eqk{\log p_{\vtheta}(\vx \mid \vz_K)} - \Eqk{\log q_K(\vz_K) - \log p(\vz_K)} \newline &= \Ebb_{q_0(\vz_0)}[\log p_{\vtheta}(\vx \mid \vz_K)]- \Ebb_{q_0(\vz_0)}[\log q_K(\vz_K) - \log p(\vz_K)] \end{align} $$

As usual, we can approximate this using Monte Carlo and generally we only need one sample. By drawing $\vz_0\sim q_0(\vz_0) = \N(\vmu, \text{diag}(\vsigma))$ we can approximate the ELBO as follows

$$ \begin{align} \elbo &\approx \left[\sum^{\text{dim}(\vx)}_{i=1} x_i\log p_i(\vz_K) + (1 - x_i)\log(1 - p_i(\vz_K))\right] - \log q_K(\vz_K) + \log p(\vz_K). \end{align} $$

This means that our objective function is given by $$ \begin{align} -\elbo &= \text{BCE}(\vect{p}, \vx) + \log q_0(\vz_0) + \text{LADJ} - \log p(\vz_K) \end{align} $$

where the Log-Absolute-Determinant-Jacobian is the usual $$ \text{LADJ} = \sum^{K}_{k=1} \ln \left|\text{det}\frac{\partial f_k}{\partial \vz_{k-1}}\right| $$
