
Nowadays LayerNorm is used before the important layers (MHSA/FFNN) and before the skip connection, meaning that our sequence $x$ flows through the transformations in this slightly revised order \begin{align} y &= \text{MHSA}(\text{LayerNorm}(x)) + x, \\ z &= \text{FFNN}(\text{LayerNorm}(y)) + y \end{align}

Historical Note

Apparently Tensor2Tensor for Neural Machine Translation (16 March 2018) was the first to implement Pre-LN, but I could not find evidence of this in the paper or in their GitHub Repo. How Much Attention Do You Need? A Granular Analysis of Neural Machine Translation Architectures (15 July 2018) is explicit about this usage and references Tensor2Tensor. Soon after, Generating Long Sequences with Sparse Transformers (23 April 2019) used the same trick.

The first paper to suggest this in Deep Transformers was Adaptive Input Representations for Neural Language Modelling (22 Feb 2019), since they found it worked better empirically. Learning Deep Transformer Models for Machine Translation (5 June 2019).

On Layer Normalization in the Transformer Architecture (Feb 2019) was also one of the first ones to advocate for this choice and provide some motivating theory about controlling the scale of the gradients.
