
In the context of Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) it can be very expensive to update all the parameters $\theta$, most of which are large matrices. The key idea of LoRa is that one can update these matrices using a low-rank update. In the paper, they freeze all parameters except the matrices $W_k$, $W_q$, $W_v$ and $W_o$ (key, query, value, output) in the MHSA layers, but in principle one could do this adaptation also on the FFNN layers.

Notice that these matrices $W$ (which we assume of shape $d\times k$) are used in a linear-fashion: an input $x\in\mathbb{R}^k$ will be multiplied by them so that during the forward pass one would get $Wx\in\mathbb{R}^d$. In LoRa, we add an extra low-rank correction which is trainable so that during the forward pass we compute $$ (W + BA)x = \underbrace{Wx}_{\text{pre-trained}} + \underbrace{BAx}_{\text{SFT}}, $$ where $B\in\mathbb{R}^{d\times r}$ and $A\in\mathbb{R}^{r\times k}$ with $r \ll \min(d, k)$. The low-rank matrices are initialized with $A$ from a Gaussian and $B$ as a zero matrix. During SFT the loss function is then only over the low-rank updates, the UPT parameters are kept frozen.

$$ \min_{\Delta} \left\{ -\frac{1}{n_{\text{batch}}}\sum_{n=1}^{n_{\text{batch}}} \frac{1}{|y_n|} \sum_{t=1}^{|y_n|} \log\left(\text{softmax}(\text{LLM}_{\theta + \Delta}(x_n, y_{n, <t})_{y_{n, t}})\right) \right\} $$

Rule-of-Thumb: Given a computational budget, it is better to use LoRa on many matrices but with small $r$ rather than LoRa on few matrices with $r$ large. They suggest updating $W_k$, $W_q$, $W_v$ and $W_o$ with a very small rank (e.g. from $1$ to $4$) and keep the rest of the parameters in the network fixed.
