Direct Preference Optimization

From the Bayesian perspective, we know that the optimal policy is given by $$ \pi^{*}_{\phi}(x) = \frac{1}{Z} \pi_0(x)\exp\left(r_{\phi}(x) / \beta\right), \qquad Z = \int \pi_0(x’)\exp\left(r_{\phi}(x’) / \beta\right) dx' $$ The key insight behind Direct Preference Optimization is that one re-write this to express the reward function as follows $$ r_{\phi}(y\mid x) = \beta\log\left(\frac{\pi_{\phi}^{*}(y\mid x)}{\pi_0(y\mid x)}\right) + \beta\log Z. $$ This is essentially just another parametrization of the reward model. Now, recall that the Bradley-Terry model depends only on the difference in reward and therefore plugging this parametrization (and using our policy $\pi_\theta$ rather than the actual optimal $\pi^{*}_{\phi}$) there the normalizing constant cancels out $$ p^{*}_{\theta}(y_w \succ y_l \mid x) = \text{sigmoid}\left(\beta\log\left(\frac{\pi_{\theta}(y_{w}\mid x)}{\pi_0(y_{w}\mid x)}\right) - \beta\log\left(\frac{\pi_{\theta}(y_{l}\mid x)}{\pi_0(y_{l}\mid x)}\right)\right) $$ We can therefore perform maximum likelihood directly on the policy. Our loss function therefore becomes $$ \mathcal{L}_{\text{DPO}}(\theta) = -\mathbb{E}_{(x, y_w, y_l)\sim\mathcal{D}_{\text{preferences}}}\left[\log\left\{\text{sigmoid}\left(\beta\log\left(\frac{\pi_{\theta}(y_{w}\mid x)}{\pi_0(y_{w}\mid x)}\right) - \beta\log\left(\frac{\pi_{\theta}(y_{l}\mid x)}{\pi_0(y_{l}\mid x)}\right)\right)\right\}\right] $$
