Black-Box Access is Insufficient for Rigorous AI Audits

AI Auditing can happen in 4 ways:

  • Black box: Can design an input, query the system and analyze output.
  • Grey box: Limited access to inner workings (e.g. embeddings, activations, logits).
  • White box: Full access to the system (e.g. weights, gradients, and fine-tuning)
  • Outside-the-box: Info about dev and deployment of the system (e.g. docs, data, code)

Limitations of black-box access include: limited understanding of the model, components can’t be studied separately, can produce misleading results (e.g. affected by Auditor bias). Here is a cool table describing the type of attacks/evaluation techniques that can be done by Auditors with different access. In Table 2 of the paper they list various ways in which white-box access allows for more thorough and safer auditing since white-box attacks are often a superset of black-box attacks and there is an order relation: black-box attacks are just inefficient white-box attacks. auditing
