
The sinusoidal positional encoding was introduced in the original Transformer paper. It is a deterministic, it is not learned and encodes absolute positions of tokens within the sequence. In the paper, they compare it with learned PE and find identical results, but hypothesize that sinusoidal encoding might:

  1. learn to attend to relative positions
  2. extrapolate to sequence lengths longer than the ones found during training.

Suppose that we have an input sequence of length $1\leq n\leq \text{context-length}$ (recall that sequences can be smaller but not larger than the context length. They can be smaller because we construct sub-examples from each sequence).

Suppose $\text{pos}\in{0, \ldots, n}$ is the index of a token within the sequence, and suppose that our embedding dimension is $d_{\text{embedding}}$, this is also known as model dimension. The sinusoidal PE method encodes the position $\text{pos}$ of a token as a vector of dimension $d_{\text{embedding}}$. Each coordinate/dimension of this embedded position vector is constructed as follows: \begin{align} \text{SPE}(\text{pos})_{i} = \begin{cases} \sin\left(\frac{\text{pos}}{10,000^{2i/d_{\text{embedding}}}}\right) & \text{ if } i \text{ even} \\ \\ \cos\left(\frac{\text{pos}}{10,000^{2i/d_{\text{embedding}}}}\right) & \text{ if } i \text{ odd} \end{cases}, \qquad i = 0, \ldots, d-1, \end{align} where I am using Python’s zero-index convention. This blogpost is handy to understand sinusoidal PE.
