
$\newcommand{\ystar}{y^{*}} \newcommand{\Ycal}{\mathcal{Y}} \newcommand{\isample}{^{(i)}} \newcommand{\kernel}{p_{\epsilon}(\ystar \mid y)} \newcommand{\tkernel}{\tilde{p}_{\epsilon}(\ystar \mid y)} \newcommand{\jointABCpost}{p_{\epsilon}(\theta, y \mid \ystar)} \newcommand{\like}{p(y \mid \theta)} \newcommand{\prior}{p(\theta)} \newcommand{\truepost}{p(\theta \mid \ystar)} \newcommand{\ABCpost}{p_{\epsilon}(\theta \mid \ystar)} \newcommand{\ABClike}{p_{\epsilon}(\ystar \mid \theta)} \newcommand{\kerneltilde}{\tilde{p}_{\epsilon}(\ystar \mid y)} \newcommand{\zkernel}{Z_{\epsilon}} \newcommand{\truelike}{p(\ystar \mid \theta)}$


The following is all taken from Graham’s PhD Thesis description (and Asymptotically Exact Inference), together with the following papers:

  • Adapting the ABC Distance Function
  • Automatic Posterior Transformation
  • Fast epsilon-free inference
  • Optimization Monte Carlo

Mathematical Set-Up

Suppose that $r$ is the prey population and $f$ is the predator population. Suppose $\theta_1, \theta_2, \theta_3, \theta_4$ are parameters. The Lotka-Volterra simulator is an Euler-discretization of the following SDE

\begin{align} dr &= (\theta_1 r - \theta_2 r f )dt + dn_r \newline df &= (\theta_4 r f - \theta_3 f )dt + dn_f \end{align}

where $n_r$ and $n_f$ are zero-mean white noise processes with variances $\sigma_r^2$ and $\sigma_f^2$ respectively. We discretize using a time step $\delta t$ an initial state $(r_0, f_0)$ and $N_s$ time points.


from math import sqrt
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import normal

def LV_simulator(theta):
  # Settings
  r = f = 100
  dt = 1.0
  sigma_f = sigma_r = 1.0
  N = 50
  t1, t2, t3, t4 = theta
  # Store observations
  y = []
  # Generate white noise in advance
  nr = normal(loc=0.0, scale=sigma_r, size=N)
  nf = normal(loc=0.0, scale=sigma_f, size=N)
  for i in range(N):
    r = r + dt * (t1*r - t2*r*f) + sqrt(dt) * nr[i]
    f = f + dt * (t4*r*f - t3*f) + sqrt(dt) * nf[i]
  return np.array(y)

You can find more information at the following Google Colab notebook.

Summary Statistics

Sometimes (see Epsilon-free Inference and Graham’s PhD thesis) one can use the following sufficient statistics:

  • The mean of the prey population
  • The mean of the predator population
  • The standard deviation of the prey population (or the log variance)
  • The standard deviation of the predator population (or the log variance)
  • The autocorrelation coefficient of lag 1 and 2 of the prey population
  • The autocorrelation coefficient of lag 1 and 2 of the predator population
  • The cross correlation coefficient between the prey and the predator population.